* Hall Telecommunications Supply is your leading Canadian wholesale distributor for connectivity products.
HomeContact Us

Contact us:

Hall Telecommunications Supply has a prompt, professional, bilingual customer service team to assist you with all your product questions


Our staff are available to assist you 8:30AM to 5:00PM , Monday to Friday EST 


    Hall Telecommunications Supply Ltd.
    5477 RR #5, Hwy #6 North
    Guelph, Ontario CAN    N1H 6J2
    Attention: Customer Service


You may send your questions or suggestions, by email to custserv@halltel.com

Messages will be responded to within one business day. 


If you prefer you may fax your questions, inquiries or comments to 519-822-5462, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Pour nous joindre:

Hall Telecommunications Supply on une equipe de service a la clientele bilingue, rapide et professionnel.


Notre equipe est disponible pour vous aidez de lundi a vendredi 8:30 a 17:00 EST.


    Hall Telecommunications Supply Ltee
    5477 RR #5, Hwy #6 North
    Guelph, Ontario CAN    N1H 6J2
    Attention: Customer Service


Vous pourrez aussi envoyez vos questions par courriel a custserv@halltel.com

Vous recevrez une reponse dans un jour d'affaire.


Si preferable vous pourrez aussi envoyez vos questions enquetes ou commentaires par telecopieur a 519-822-5462, 24 heures par jour, 7 jours la semaine.